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Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi 67100, Greece


Buildings are stationary, complex edifices which come in a variety of sizes and shapes of comparatively low value goods. Their building materials are not readily reused or recycled as can not be easily separated and utilized without further processing. This reprocessing takes place at almost every step of a material cycle and requires energy inputs, where together with energy come the carbon dioxide emissions that make up the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions the main cause of global warming. If components and materials are recovered from a building for reuse, the additional inputs are eliminated and it is easier to adapt or change the building to meet evolving functions over its lifetime. Treating the buildings efficiently at the end of their service life can hold significant economic and environmental value. However, the value that can be extracted is very much dependent on how the buildings have been designed and built. This is the role of Design for Deconstruction (DfD), the intentional design of buildings in order to make them easily deconstructable and reuse their intact building materials and components in other building. Due to the perception of designers that buildings are static constructions the DfD is not widely used and only a limited number of buildings are fully deconstructable. This paper looks at the DfD process and identifies the four key categories involved in the process. These categories play an important role in the construction industry to become more sustainable, smarter and resourceful, by maximizing the reuse potential of DfD process.


Reuse, DfD, sustainable built environment, construction industry.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 15 (2021) 459-468 doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2021.09.002


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