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Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21,941-901, Brazil


Favelas and other types of informal settlements are important urban issues in several regions around the world, especially in developing countries. They are the housing solution found by populations with no access to formal real estate market, who still suffer with the precariousness of both buildings and urban infrastructure. This paper presents a brief overview on governmental policies for favelas in the city of Rio de Janeiro along the 20th century, until the present moment, to observe hits and misses and present a morphological study about Rocinha, the biggest favela in Brazil. This work is based on the principles of Shape Grammar and demonstrates patterns of composition, organized in sets of rules that allow producing new designs. The intention is to create a proposal for an objective reading of typical favela spaces, to determine standards and rules that may contribute to architectural and urban designs that are more adequate to the populations they are designed for.


Shape grammar, Rocinha scenario, teaching observation.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 15 (2021) 447-458 doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2021.09.001


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