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International Training Center (ITC) of International Labour Organization (ILO), Turin, Italy


It has always been said that the best knowledge needed is about self, and several people do not know themselves as should be. The importance of knowing self is an essential component for continuous and sustainable development of skills, and attitudes. The knowledge, skill, attitude, and habit (KSAH) model of self development is introduced to focus the light on the important components needed to enhance self awareness, and build a corner stone towards continuity of development to help increase self satisfaction, achievement and success. Starting with knowledge which constitutes the theoretical part and the foundation for the successive building blocks, followed by skills which form the practical part needed to transfer knowledge into practice. But, why knowledge and skills needed? They should be reflected in our attitudes and applications to transfer gradually into habits which maintain and sustain performance and achievement. Skills are classified into technical, interpersonal, and transferrable. Technical are those related to a specific field of study, while interpersonal are needed to all types of fields and industries, they from the highest part of achievement in life, and transferrable related to languages. In the digitalized world, technology is the main tool of social, personal and organizational development which should be understood, gained, and then used. Talents are built in formulas in all born babies, and the highest achievement and happiness if identified and used, and it is the most important part of the KSAH model. By applying the model, the highest achievement and the best progress in life will be the result.


KSAH model, skills, talents, values, attitudes, APA communication model

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