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Udmurt Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, 34 Baramzina St., Izhevsk, Russia


The article raises the question of how diffusion pairs A/B, A/C, and B/C form in three-component alloys ABC. This issue solves experimentally using the TEM (transmission electron microscopy) method and Ni65Mo20Cr15 alloy. The quenching of this alloy from a liquid showed that such pairs form in the liquid state of the alloy, and as the quenching temperature decreases, particles of the new phases form inside them. We concluded that not a disordered solid solution after high-temperature quenching “from a region of disordered solid solution at the phase diagrams” is the starting point for the formation of a low-temperature microstructure, but a liquid state, into which the alloy passes during its melting. The author hopes the results got will lead to a reorientation of our ideas about alloys and will change a lot both in the theory of alloys and in the technology of their manufacture.


TEM, superalloys, new phase formation, “ordering-phase separation” transition, transition “ionic bond ↔ covalent bond”.

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Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 11 (4-6) (2021) 63-70


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