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Day Centre for Children with Developmental Disorders, Messolonghi, Greece


Studies on the evaluation by therapists of parental behavior towards their children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and towards the therapists of their children are scarce. They are necessary, however, for enabling parents to become co-therapists. The present study’s purpose was the evaluation by therapists of the behavior of parents towards their children, of their relationship to therapists, and therapy outcome. The sample consisted of 178 parents of 89 children (72 boys) with ASD, who underwent intensive early intervention at a day centre for developmental disabilities. The professional team completed a questionnaire, separately for the mother and father, evaluating the parental attitude towards their children and towards the therapists. The behavior of parents was less satisfactory than expected. The fathers had difficulties in understanding their child’s problems, and had unrealistic expectations; mothers’ behavior towards their children and therapists was better than the fathers’. Mothers had difficulty mostly in the management of the child’s behavior, and did not do well with feeding. It might be difficult for every parent to become co-therapist. Understanding the child’s difficulties by the mother, adequate handling of feeding and homework, were statistically significant in the good outcome of therapy. 


Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), parents, co-therapists, stress, expectations, collaboration homework

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