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Basis of Halal Lifestyle in Islamic Law
Ayten Erol
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The Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Kırıkkale, Kırıkkale 71450, Turkey
The halal lifestyle in Islamic law is evaluated within the principles of makasidus-sharia, which
aim to protect five principal vales of humanity,
namely, life, reason,
religion, generation and property. The legitimacy of halal life is therefore based on the provisions of the Qur’an and Sunnah that aim to protect these values of all humanity. The
similarities between halal and other ethical
practices in the context of universal
values concerning both Muslims and non-Muslims
will provide an opportunity for global recognition of halal life. In this article we investigate how halal
lifestyle is to be based according to
Islamic law. We first frame the halal life and later lay down its legal basis and finally conclude by illuminating on
the halal lifestyle from a universal
Islamic law, halal lifestyle, halal earning, production and consumption.
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