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School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing Xiao Zhuang University, Nanjing, P.R.C Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, P.R.C


The book under review presents a comprehensive investigation into Metaphor theories from perspectives of embodied cognition and discourse. After sketching dimensions and dynamics of contemporary metaphor theories in the first part, it presents and evaluates metaphor in cognition by analyzing sources and target of the primary metaphor theory, the hierarchical structure of mental metaphors, metaphorical directionality and body schema in metaphorical cognition. Investigations of sign systems, modalities, contextualized discourse interaction patterns, embodied metonymy are included in the third part. And metaphor in discourse in detailed research with multiple related topics is in the fourth part. The embodied and discourse views of metaphor are highlighted in the epilogue, and it points out that one’s preferred level of analysis argues against the relevance of other perspectives on metaphor performance by using different methods.


metaphor, embodied cognition, discourse

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