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Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210000, China


Nabokov believes that “art is a method by which the writer is able to cause a special aesthetic experience among the reader”; language, structure, style and other means of expression are always more important than the plot of the work. We can find a vivid embodiment of this creation view in Pale Fire. Because of the method “defamiliarization”, the aesthetics of the whole novel is expressed in three key steps: the introduction of poetic ambiguity on Shade’s poem; an explanation of poetic ambiguity by means of Kinbote’s commentary; regenaration of ambiguity through the suspension of Kinbote’s commentary from Shade’s poetic language. The artistic theme of ambiguity is a manifestation of the author’s hidden feelings for the homeland. Nabokov, as an expatriate Russian writer, is experiencing not only a deep relationship with his homeland, but also a sense of bitterness from being in exile. His impression and memories of hometown beacame the inspiration for creation.


Pale Fire, Nabokov, “defamiliarization”, homeland

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Nabokov, V. (2011). Pale fire. New York: Berkley Publishing.
Zheng, Y. (2019). The Pale Fire: A textual form analysis. English and American Literary Studies, 1, 224-236. 

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