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Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation (APGICO), Loulé, Portugal
University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation (APGICO), Loulé, Portugal


This paper aims at demonstrating that an acceptable level of performance as a group facilitator can be achieved by hospitality industry managers in a 35-hour course, to a maximum of fourteen trainees, experienced in group leadership but not in small-group facilitation or large-group coordination. Based on a six-step model for organizational intervention, the course was run in co-facilitation, using the effect of demonstration, modelling, and observation to improve performance at individual level. The course represents a mix of organizational behaviour and human resources management that has proved to be effective in preparing managers to improve organizational innovation and accelerate change in companies. Each step produced outputs, namely three innovation projects. Participants rated the course in every item of an extensive questionnaire as Good and Very Good, except the introduction (pre-consult), which was considered “too theoretical”. Therefore, the course model proved to be adequate for the preparation of managers as coaches for organizational innovation in the hospitality industry. As to future developments, they will have to do mostly with the functioning of a matrix structure in the hospitality industry, so that the whole approach may have a full impact on the company.


organizational innovation, organizational change, matrix organizations, management training, organizational intervention, group facilitation

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Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Jan.-Feb. 2021, Vol. 9, No. 1, 26-45 doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2021.01.003


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