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The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


With China’s tremendous economic strength and significant promotion of international status, the Chinese language is becoming a highly valued and widely accepted language globally, which causes rapid growth in the number of Chinese language learners all over the world. At the same time, the number of teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) teachers in mainland China is also increasing. However, since the foreign students are from different cultural backgrounds, therefore, it brings big challenges for TCSL teachers to manage students in the class and ensure the instructional quality. Teachers’ self-efficacy, which stems from Bandura’s Self-efficacy Theory, has been proved by a large amount of studies as an important factor which has effect on teachers’ teaching behavior and students’ academic performances, and then makes further improvement on teaching quality. However, in recent years, researches on relationship among TCSL teachers’ self-efficacy, foreign students’ learning motivation, and learning outcomes are relatively few in mainland China. This study makes a thorough inquiry on the relationship among TCSL teachers’ self-efficacy, foreign students’ learning motivation, and academic performance in universities of mainland China, and ends by drawing a conclusion that any study we do should always comprehensively take individual differences and external factors into account.


teaching Chinese as a second language, self-efficacy, learning motivation, learning achievement

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