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School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China


In order to discover the probability distribution feature of edge in aviation network adjacent matrix of China and on the basis of this feature to establish an algorithm of searching non-overlap community structure in network to reveal the inner principle of complex network with the feature of small world in aspect of adjacent matrix and community structure, aviation network adjacent matrix of China was transformed according to the node rank and the matrix was arranged on the basis of ascending node rank with the center point as original point. Adjacent probability from the original point to extension around in approximate area was calculated. Through fitting probability distribution curve, power function of probability distribution of edge in adjacent matrix arranged by ascending node rank was found. According to the feature of adjacent probability distribution, deleting step by step with node rank ascending algorithm was set up to search non-overlap community structure in network and the flow chart of algorithm was given. A non-overlap community structure with 10 different scale communities in aviation network of China was found by the computer program written on the basis of this algorithm.


Air transportation, adjacent matrix, deleting step by step with node rank ascending algorithm, aviation network of China, network community structure.

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