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1. Golden Gate University, Ageno School of Business, San Francisco, California 94105, USA
2. Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, USA


In the 1970s, scientists began experimenting with powerful laser beams to compress and heat the hydrogen isotopes to the point of fusion, a technique called ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion). In the “direct drive” approach to ICF, powerful beams of laser light are focused on a small spherical pellet containing micrograms of deuterium and tritium. The rapid heating caused by the laser “driver” makes the outer layer of the target explode. In keeping with Isaac Newton’s Third Law “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”, the remaining portion of the target is driven inwards in a rocket-like implosion, causing compression of the fuel inside the capsule and the formation of a shock wave, which further heats the fuel in the very center and results in a self-sustaining burn. The fusion burn propagates outward through the cooler, outer regions of the capsule much more rapidly than the capsule can expand. Instead of magnetic fields, the plasma is confined by the inertia of its own mass—hence the term inertial confinement fusion. A similar process can be observed on an astrophysical scale in stars and the terrestrial uber world, that have exhausted their nuclear fuel, hence inertially or gravitationally collapsing and generating a supernova explosion, where the results can easily be converted to induction of energy in control forms for a peaceful purpose (i.e., inertial fusion reaction) by means of thermal physics and statistical mechanics behavior of an ideal Fermi gas, utilizing Fermi-Degeneracy and Thomas-Fermi theory. The fundamental understanding of thermal physics and statistical mechanics enables us to have a better understanding of Fermi-Degeneracy as well as Thomas-Fermi theory of ideal gas, which results in laser compressing matter to a super high density for purpose of producing thermonuclear energy in way of controlled form for peaceful shape and form i.e. CTR (Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction). In this short review, we have concentrated on Fundamental of State Equations by driving them as it was evaluated in book Statistical Mechanics written by Mayer, J. and Mayer, M. in this article.


renewable, nonrenewable source of energy, fusion reactors, super high density matter, laser driven fusion energy, Fermi-Degeneracy, Thomas-Fermi theory, return on investment, total cost of ownership.

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