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Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Salerno 84084, Italy


The contribution aims to highlight the role that corporeity assumes at the kindergarten, both as an instrument of individual’s integral growth, as a useful means for detecting any difficulties and identification of the Zone of Development Proximal of each, to facilitate the design of training courses focusing on the use of the body and movement as mediators of knowledge. The whole work moves in the double perspective of individualization and personalization, as suggested by the different school regulations in the field of design and special educational needs. Field Research involved a sample of 83 children, to whom were given MOVIT Tests (Test and Re-test): a psychomotor evaluation tool that favors an objective observation of abilities, the child’s deficits and potential development observed in his environment and in free interaction with his companions. The research has highlighted a significance of the data for all age groups, corroborating theories about the formative and preventive role of psychomotor practice and about the effectiveness of flanking the latter with a preventive tool, adjacent to it, such as the MOVIT tests. These have also allowed a transversal process of professionalization of teachers.


MOVIT tests, psychomotricity, corporeity, school of childhood.

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