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Russian National Committee on BRICS
Center for Russian Strategy in AsiaInstitute of Economics, Moscow, Russia


In the context of strengthening the interconnectedness of the various territories of the world, including the Eurasian space, the task of defining the Asia-Pacific region as an aggregate of geographical, political, economic territories and regions became urgent. This makes it possible to avoid politicized pseudo-scientific generalizations (such as Indopacific) and to determine the perspective.To formulate the theoretical foundations of international relations in Asian politics in the modern era and the participation of external strategic entities of the APR; to present a reasoned criticism of Euro-oriented IR-theories and to study Asian IR-theories with consideration of views of Asian countries.The authors developed the concept of the “Asian core”, which includes territories from Mongolia to Indonesia and from the eastern borders of the PRC to Japan. The “Asian core” includes the historically established territories of the Confucian civilization and the territory of the “Eastern economic miracle”. The authors did not include the leading world powers (the United States, Australia, Russia) in the “Asian core”, believing that they are only external geopolitical subjects with deep participation. The definition of the new APR brand is necessary to preserve the geostrategic and geopolitical balance in Asia and important for Russian the predictive assessments of Asian foreign policy.


Asia, Pacific Ocean, Asian regional integration, “Asian core”, external strategic entities, economic presence in Asia

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