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School of Foreign Studies/ Center for Global Studies, Shanghai University


Culture has been exerting an even greater influence on China’s image construction and nation branding in today’s globalizing world. As “culture” is the core of Chinese soft power strategy, the concept of “soft power” has been redefined as “cultural soft power” in the Chinese context. Cultural instruments, including the Chinese language as well as traditional and popular cultures, are widely implemented as the “charm” tools to wield and project China’s soft power. Cultural diplomacy is also viewed as an effective way to promote an understanding of China’s ideals, support Chinese economic goals and enhance Chinese national security in subtle, wide-ranging, and sustainable ways. Although Chinese soft power is still in its “embryonic phase”, partly due to its close link to the country’s economic performance and huge market attraction as well as the disadvantages generated by the political and ideological issues, it has contributed greatly to expand China’s international influence and create a circle of like-minded allies on its periphery, in which process its increasing importance shall not be neglected.


Chinese culture, soft power, cultural influence, cultural diplomacy, globalization

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