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1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Mother Teresa University, Shkup 1000, Macedonia;
2. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hasan Prishtina University, Prishinë 10000, Kosova


Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the gained improvements in seismic performance of buildings, integrated with IDRIZI infill walls, is to analyse typical building structures subjected to real case earthquake scenarios. This paper presents obtained analytical results for a characteristic 2D frame structure which (besides the self-weight, superimposed dead loads and live loads) is subjected to real earthquake ground motions. This study case treats three story planar RC (reinforced concrete) frame opened on the ground story while its upper stories are infilled with classical masonry walls. The purpose of this study case is to demonstrate “quantitatively” the seismic performance of this frame structure and, more importantly, to estimate the level of seismic response improvements of the frame when at its ground story is utilized IDRIZI infill wall with door opening. The seismic action considered for this study case is a representation of the 1979 Tivari earthquake, Montenegro. Ultimately, this study demonstrates the remarkable benefits the structure gains (in terms of seismic performance and safety) by the use of IDRIZI wall system as a constitutive part of the 2D frame structure.


Structural control, IDRIZI wall system, energy dissipation, time-history analysis.

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