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1 Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 GA-ME-HA d.o.o. Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Tahini halvah is specific confectionery product known in Bosnia and Herzegovina over centuries. It is made of sesame-seed paste (tahini), sugar and soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) extract by certain technological process, with creating needle-like particles which give a specific fiber structure to halvah. Production of tahini halvah in Bosnia and Herzegovina mostly was placed under artisanal conditions by poorly trained staff and was based on experiences and established practice. There is a very few scientific papers deal with ways of production and specific properties of this product in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main objective of this paper was focused on studying technological process of 4 different samples of tahini halvah (standard tahini halvah, tahini halvah with pistachios, tahini halvah with cacao and black halvah with wheat grits, cacao and nuts). All samples were produced under industrial conditions. Chemical and sensory quality parameters of investigated samples were presented in this paper. Significant differences between samples were found and influenced by different ingredients and technological process.


Tahini halvah, chemical and sensory quality.

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