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Adsorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Zeolit/Chitosan Hybrid Composite
Meiling Pang, Naoki Kano and Hiroshi Imaizumi
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This study investigated the adsorption ability of ZCHC (zeolite/chitosan hybrid composite) as adsorbent for chromium (Cr(VI)), ZCHC was prepared with sol-gel method by mixing zeolite and chitosan. Adsorption experiment from aqueous solutions containing known amount of Cr(VI) using zeolite, chitosan and ZCHC was explored to evaluate the efficiency of ZCHC as adsorbent for Cr in a batch system. The amount of Cr(VI) adsorbed at different pH values, initial concentrations, adsorbent dosages, and contact times were determined by ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry) in order to determine the optimum conditions for Cr(VI) adsorption. Furthermore, the adsorption mechanism of Cr(VI) by zeolite, chitosan and ZCHC was investigated by applying Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations to the data obtained. In addition, the rates of adsorption were found to conform to pseudo-second order kinetics.
Adsorption, chromium, zeolite, chitosan, hybrid composite, adsorption isotherms, kinetics.
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