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University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China


Over the past few decades, China has undergone a gradual yet progressive transition from a command economy to a market economy. During this process, China’s competition policy has emerged and evolved in response to the changing economic landscape. History has shown that competition policy is not merely a byproduct of the country’s economic transition but also a crucial instrument in deepening market-oriented reforms.The recognition of competition policy as having fundamental status in China’s top-level policy design has marked a new phase in its development.A competition policy framework centered on the Anti-Monopoly Law is gradually taking shape, providing a more structured and systematic regulatory foundation.Currently, within China’s long-term objectives through 2035, the Dual Circulation Strategy places competition policy at its core, underscoring its fundamental role in fostering a fair and efficient market environment.In recent years, China’s competition policy and antitrust regulations have undergone significant advancements, strengthening enforcement mechanisms and refining legal frameworks. As the country navigates evolving domestic and global challenges, the continued evolution of its competition policy must strike a delicate balance between national economic priorities and the broader international economic landscape


competition policy of China, economic transition, anti-monopoly law, dual circulation strategy

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