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University of Parma, Parma, Italy


The contribution aims to examine the co-implications between Serres’ work and posthumanist ideas of body and subjectivity. This scope is pursued primarily through the methodological choice of a gerund, such as silencing, and the harnessing of its performative, processual, and relational value. Building on Serres’ conception of silence as a dilation of the me the paper will follow Serresian anti-Cartesian reflections on the interchangeability of subject and object, his conception of the pre-positional body, and his thematization of the soul-body relationship. In close inter-implication with the employment of silencing is then the choice, again as a methodological device, of the preposition trans, made to act in order to explore the affinities/overlaps/assonances between Serres’ theorization of the body, dimension of the human, and posthumanist conceptions of body/subjectivity.


posthuman subjectivity, Michel Serres, silencing, translation, co-implications

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Orsola Rignani. (2024). Michel Serres and Posthuman Subjectivities: Silencing and Trans-lation to Explore Co-implications. Philosophy Study, Sep.-Oct. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 5, 246-255.


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