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Translational Neuroscience Consultation, Astoria, NY, USA


This work used the cosmological neuroscientific concept of Soul of Multiverse for placing the problem of wildlife and biodiversity protection into a new philosophical environment where religious, scientific and philosophical approaches are in harmony. It resulted in the thought that the obligation of protecting wildlife and biodiversity on Earth, just as the sanctity of caring for all human lives, originated in cosmic laws set in the divine blueprints of the Soul of Multiverse. These laws seem to relay that in the 21st century the time has come on Earth to stop killing animals for food, to stop overhunting and overfishing, to stop industrial activities responsible for deforestation, desertification, air pollution and climate change, and to run animal experiments for science and medicine only in the extremely limited, most justified cases and only until new technologies make them no longer necessary. The conclusion was that to achieve these goals, new global governing mechanisms are needed. Specifically, the establishment of a Government of Earth, the next step of the political process that started with the United Nations in the first place, may be necessary to solve the global problems of wildlife and biodiversity protection since meaningful solutions for global problems require global governing mechanisms.


biodiversity, cosmic laws, food industry, animal experiments, Government of Earth

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Nandor Ludvig. (2024). The Concept of the Soul of Multiverse as a Genuine Supporter of Wildlife and Biodiversity on Earth. Philosophy Study, Sep.-Oct. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 5, 214-221.


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