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Love—You Wonderful Thing! A Brief Philosophy and Pedagogy About Love
Sándor Karikó
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University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
This study is a brief attempt to uncover the secret of love. From the extremely rich literature on the subject, it relies on only four classic thinkers and writers (Plato, Shakespeare, Attila József, Marx), among whom Marx’s relevant statement is less known even among love researchers. Furthermore, it intends to draw attention to some notable Hungarian philosophers and poets. The ultimate message of the examination is that, although love is the subjective, intimate sphere of a person, it hopefully becomes clear how lovers can create human and communal relationships with each other and with their narrower and broader environment.
love, miracle, community, loneliness, interest
Sándor Karikó. (2024). Love—You Wonderful Thing! A Brief Philosophy and Pedagogy About Love. Philosophy Study, Sep.-Oct. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 5, 205-213.
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