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University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


As a new type of experimental teaching method, virtual simulation laboratory has many advantages, such as safety, economy, flexibility, etc., and has been more and more widely used in the field of education. At present, in the teaching of university physics courses in most colleges and universities in China, the lack of experimental teaching in university physics courses is due to the large class size, insufficient teacher strength, limited course hours, and other reasons. However, experimental teaching has a very important role and status in university physics teaching, which not only helps to stimulate students’ learning interest, improve students’ hands-on ability, teamwork, and communication skills, but also helps to cultivate students’ innovative ability, scientific thinking, and the spirit of inquiry, which is an indispensable teaching link. Based on cognitive learning theory and constructivist learning theory, the application of virtual simulation laboratory technology and the use of inquiry-based teaching methods in university physics courses can effectively improve the quality of teaching and the quality of talent training.


virtual simulation laboratories, university physics, laboratory teaching, talent development, inquiry-based teaching

Cite this paper

YANG Ke, NING Yueyue. (2024). The Application of Virtual Simulation Laboratory in University Physics Teaching. US-China Education Review A, June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 6, 399-404.


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