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University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China; Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University, Shanghai, China


Nowadays, in the era of rapid digitalization development, digital education presents significant opportunities and challenges in universities. The confluence of contemporary science and technology, the evolving landscape of higher education, and the new era of education and teaching necessitate the adoption of digital education in universities. This transition also calls for the transformation of inorganic chemistry laboratory experiments from traditional operations to digitalization, a shift that can greatly enhance the interaction between teachers and students. In light of these opportunities, we propose implementing teaching reform strategies, such as continuous updating and maintenance of digital teaching resources, digitization of student assessments, and interdisciplinary cooperation and resource sharing, to adapt to teaching inorganic chemistry experiments. In our future work, we are committed to exploring new technologies and methods in this field to further elevate the quality and effectiveness of education.


digital reforms, teaching strategy, inorganic chemistry, experimental teaching

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