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Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russian Federation; Moscow Humanitarian and Economic University, Moscow, Russian Federation


This article presents the results of an empirical study of the reflection features of individuals with suicidal behavior. The cognitive-emotive test of Y. M. Orlov and S. N. Morozyuk (CET) was used as a method of studying the features of reflection of persons with this disorder. The study involved 38 respondents—men (21 people) and women (17 people) aged 18-40 years with suicidal behavior. All patients were in remission.


reflection, defensive reflection, sanogenic reflection, depressive episode, suicide

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Morozyuk Svetlana Nikolaevna, Morozyuk Yuri Vitalievich, Kuznetsova Elena Sergeevna. (2024). Features of Reflection of Persons With Suicidal Behavior. US-China Education Review A, February 2024, Vol. 14, No. 2, 100-109.


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