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University of Madeira, Madeira, Portugal


In a first part, after clarifying the concepts of inclusion, inclusiveness, and inclusivity, and their relationship with cultural diversity, the communication aims to demonstrate that everyone’s right to education is evident in the transnational policies issued by the UN and the EU, as a differentiating mark for highest indices of development of a country. Education is seen as the great means of promoting the values of democracy, respecting the human rights characteristic of a State ruled by the law, and struggling against violence, racism, extremism, xenophobia, discrimination, and intolerance, through pedagogical practices having in view the education of citizens who can recognize their role in society, with place for the different “otherness”. In the second part, viewing the Curriculum as the embodiment of the culture whose socio-historical legacy is intended to be transmitted to new generations and having as methodological lenses of analysis, critical and post-critical theories of the curriculum, namely the postcolonial theories, the communication draws the conclusion that it is the school’s responsibility to fill the gap that separates and differentiates dominant cultures from (and against) the others, in a hegemonic process of cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious superiority.


school, democratic citizenship, postcolonialism, cultural studies

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Jesus Maria Sousa. (2024). The School at the Service of Inclusion and Cultural Diversity. US-China Education Review A, February 2024, Vol. 14, No. 2, 61-67.


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