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1. Faculty of Transportation and Communications, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


This paper analyzes the key indicators of the impact assessment the teleworking as practice of performing regular work from home or from a location close to home, on reducing the number of travel and reduced carbon emissions transportation activities. Models and methodologies described in the literature are a good basis for a better and more comprehensive and understanding of the positives and negative effects teleworking and real opportunities of its wider application, however there is a lack of systemic analysis. Development of a set of indicators for assessing emission reduction induced by the measures to promote sustainable transport. Due to the complexity of the transport sector, a change in any indicator models have side effects on other indicators (unwanted and multiplier effects) and what is the theme of our research work.


Teleworking, ICT-EM, GHG, ASIF, BAU.

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[2]   Global e-Sustainability Initiative – GeSI and the support of British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson and Verizon.

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