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Indicators for Tourist Destinations: A General Assessment
Caterina Sciortino, Ludovica Venturella
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University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
The assessment and monitoring of tourist destinations is now more than ever a prerogative of governments around the world. The contiguous situation caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing local destinations to adopt new standards that have never been considered until now. In addition, the collapse of tourist demand and the partial recovery of tourist activities could, in the medium term, affect tourist flows, but more importantly the tourist supply, which still suffers from suppliers and producers damaged by the blockage of services and production. The work aims to provide a general assessment of sustainability and competitiveness indicators, describing the work carried out and providing a summary. To do this, a general assessment of the existing literature was implemented with the goal of providing a general overview of the studies conducted from an indicator perspective. Ideally, the indicators were divided into three groups, methodological, sustainability, and competitiveness. The results of the study suggest that tourism destination indicators are many and varied but what is lacking is the monitoring and evaluation of them in the European scenario.
monitoring, competitiveness, sustainability, tourist supply, tourist location
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Jan.-Feb. 2022, Vol. 10, No. 1, 10-17, doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2022.01.002
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