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Science of Information and Technology Bucharest (Romania) and Barcelona (Spain)


With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution, in this paper, is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems, showing that this concept was intuitively perceived even since ancient times by our predecessors, and described according to their language level of that times, but the crystallization of the real meaning of information is an achievement of our nowadays, by successive contribution of various scientific branches and personalities of the scientific community of the world, leading to a modern description/modeling of reality, in which information plays a fundamental role. It is shown that our reality can be understood as a contribution of matter/energy/information and represented/discussed as the model of the Universal Triangle of Reality (UTR), where various previous models can be suggestively inserted, as a function of their basic concern. The modern concepts on information starting from a theoretic experiment which would infringe the thermodynamics laws and reaching the theory of information and modern philosophic concepts on the world structuration allow us to show that information is a fundamental component of the material world and of the biological structures, in correlation with the structuration/destructuration processes of matter, involving absorption/release of information. Based on these concepts, is discussed the functionality of the biologic structures and is presented the informational model of the human body and living structures, as a general model of info-organization on the entire biological scale, showing that a rudimentary proto-consciousness should be operative even at the low-scale biological systems, because they work on the same principles, like the most developed bio-systems. The operability of biologic structures as informational devices is also pointed out.


empirical models on material/energy/ideas world, structuration/destructuration, absorption/release of information, information in biological systems, matter/energy/information, UTR, informational system of human body and living structures, informational devices

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Florin Gaiseanu. (2021). Evolution and Development of the Information Concept in Biological Systems: From Empirical Description to Informational Modeling of the Living Structures. Philosophy Study, July 2021, Vol. 11, No. 7, 501-516.


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