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National University of Singapore, Singapore


With the frequent economic cooperation and the cultural communication from China to Africa focusing on foreign policies and economic efforts is insufficient. Because culture-oriented investigations make more contributions to the development of the pan-cultural exchange, and they complement general culture inquiries. Chinese philosophies are very representative for Asiancentricity. The reason why is that a common key of the Asian values, beliefs, and worldviews which exceed many philosophies and religions, like Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism. Secondly, the aspects of ontology, epistemology and axiology of Asiancentricity and Afrocentricity are quite similar. This can also be understood as commensurability existing in Chinese and African philosophies in some ways. In Chinese philosophy, everything and everyone can become valuable in relationships with others, and the myriad becomes perceivable and meaningful. In the meantime, conforming to the fundamental principles of the Asiancentricity perspectives, all of the elements in the universe, including animals, human beings, natural phenomena and inanimate objects, are connected with each other. Both of two philosophies emphasise the importance of being communal and harmony, rather than emphasising the characteristics of ego and individualism. Although, Asiancentricity and Afrocentricity are not totally common and universal, they do have enumerable commensurable factors and are embedded in the communicative and cultural particularities.


Chinese philosophies, Asiancentricity, Afrocentricity, commensurability

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