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National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan


The Freudian notion of the compulsion repetition governed by the death drive beyond the pleasure principle with its inherent persistence of a nostalgic dream both to restore the earlier state of things and to return to the inanimate state has attracted philosophers, particularly Deleuze and Derrida, to revise, enrich, and broaden the concept in their theories of difference in repetition and the archives. Deleuze reconnects it with Nietzsche’s notion of eternal return to tackle with the phenomenon of the events returning in difference of repetition. As to Lacan, the post-Freudian psychoanalyst, the death drive is in search of the lost Object, the original loss within the subject, Derrida theorizes the concept of archives in the unconscious memories to further elaborate that the death drive, in its interiorly-dialectical conflicts on the way to search for “a priori,” namely, “the origin,” has encountered the loss. Thus, the death drive, haunted by the specters of the past, develops the archive fever with the persistent passion to reach trembling sublimity. The movie, The Legend of 1900, directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, helps understand the problem that the talented pianist, 1900, abandoned in the ship by his birth parents when he was born and raised by a black worker as his foster father who died by accident, chooses to die with the ruined ship, “his only home,” in absolute solitude although he was once driven by his passionate love for a woman to get off the ship and he failed the chance. The1900’s official identity is the lost archive on the land; he has been haunted by the lost archive: no memories of his birth parents.


archive, the death drive, difference, repetition, the dark precursor, the haunting specter

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Emily ShuHui Tsai. (2020). The Lost Archive: On Events in Difference of Repetition. Philosophy Study, December 2020, Vol. 10, No. 12, 894-901.


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