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Informational Structure of the Living Systems: From Philosophy to Informational Modeling
Florin Gaiseanu
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Science of Information and Technology Bucharest (Romania) and Barcelona (Spain)
In this paper, there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures, analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicellular systems. The initiation of this analysis starts from an older example of an imaginary mechanism, particularly that described by the Maxwell’s demon experiment, which along the history of the information development concepts accompanied the philosophic vision on the structuration of matter and of the living entities, showing that these are actually the result of the intervention of information on the matter available substrate. Particularly, it is shown that the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure is appropriate to store a large quantity of structural information, allowing the transfer of this information by transcription and translation mechanisms to proteins, which act as (re)structuration/transmission informational agents, or the generation of a new cellular daughter structure by a replication process. On the basis of the theory of information in communication channels, applicable also in biological systems, it was discussed the followed line for the evaluation of the quantity of structural information in various cells, demonstrating the evolution of organism complexity by the increase of the structural information quantity from unicellular (bacterium) to human cell. Applying a natural strategy of entropy lowering mainly by heat elimination, folding protein structuration and compartmentalization on the evolutionary scale, the living structures act as dynamic entities assuring their self-organizational structure by a permanent change of matter, energy and information with the environment in an efficient way, following a negative entropic process by internal structuration, similarly with Maxwell’s demon work. It is shown that to assure such a communication with external and internal intracellular structure, it was necessary the development of an own info-operational system of communication and decision, in which the operational “Yes/No” decisional binary (Bit) unit is essential. These revolutionary results show that the cell unit complies with the similar informational functions like the multicellular structure of the human body, organized in seven-type informational components, allowing the informational modeling of the activity of the living biologic structures and the opening of a shortcutting way to mimic the biologic functions in artificial cells.
information/matter, structuration/destructuration, matter-related information, negentropy/information, non-living/living structures, informational system of the living structures
Florin Gaiseanu. (2020). Informational Structure of the Living Systems: From Philosophy to Informational Modeling. Philosophy Study, December 2020, Vol. 10, No. 12, 795-806.
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