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University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia


Nautical tourism has a high trend of growth, and the highest growth trend is expected in eastern and south-eastern Europe. It is type of tourism that takes place on water or on the coastline. Nautical tourism in Serbia could include 3,500 km of waterways and 50 km of water surface on various types of lakes, using at least 6,000 km of coastline. Nautical tourism represents a great potential for AP Vojvodina and Serbia, and it is necessary that local governments, private sector, and the state government work together on further development. Two international rivers, the Tisa and the Danube, flow through several European countries and merge at place where Stari Slankamen is located. Stari Slankamen, as a settlement created at the mouth of two rivers, has great potential for the development of nautical tourism, both on the water and on the coastline. In this work, it will be presented all potentials factors for the development of Stari Slankamen as a future destination of nautical tourism in Serbia, as well as all kind of events and hospitality facilities. Furthermore, the attitudes of local residents towards tourism development were examined due to the great importance of support of local population for tourism development at the destination. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis presented all strengths and opportunities for developing nautical tourism and weakness and threats as well. Finally, based on examination of observed potentials and residents’ attitudes, it will be proposed guidelines and conclusions for the further development of nautical tourism in this part of Serbia.


 nautical tourism, Danube, Vojvodina, Stari Slankamen, local residents

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Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, May-June 2020, Vol. 8, No. 3, 93-99 doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2020.03.002


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