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The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK


This paper is concerned with examining Republican Chinese woman writer Lu Yin’s (庐隐 1898-1934) several fictional works and concentrated on the expression of feminine consciousness. The awakening of feminine consciousness expressed in her fiction is comprised of two aspects. The first section of this paper focuses on the first aspect that reflects feminine consciousness—the subversion of traditional familial narratives—in which four short stories were analysed. Two fiction pieces, “A Scene” and “A Victims of the Times”, in which Ling Fen’s shimu and Xiuzhen were used as examples of typical victims in traditional families during the early 20th-century transitional period, revealed Lu Yin’s compassion for women’s sufferings. In “Father” and in “The Failure of Professor Qin”, several male characters played dominant roles; however, in fact, Lu Yin’s purpose was to deconstruct phallocentrism through debasing the image of an authoritative father as the prelude to awakening female self-consciousness. Thereafter, the paper explored the second aspect in terms of the awakening of feminine consciousness—that is, the freedom of marriage and love. Focusing on two respective heroines Lan Tian and Supu in “The Confession of Lan Tian” and in The Heart of Women, this section explores the issue of marriage issues and love affairs from different perspectives. Lu Yin expressed her objections to feudal arranged marriages and her advocacy of pursuing true love, but at the same time she also emphasised the antinomy of romantic love. Overall, women’s subjects that Lu Yin created in her works represent her affirmation of self-perception in terms of gender issues. With her particular feminine consciousness, Lu Yin broke through powerful mainstream ideological discourse.


Lu Yin, “new woman”, feminine consciousness

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