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1. Department of Mining Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional VeteranYogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
2. Facultyof Economy,UniversityofPembangunanNasionalVeteranYogyakarta, Yogyakarta55283,Indonesia


Feldspar mine may cause environmental problem. Post-mining lake water pollute the environment because it has a low pH containing heavy metals such as aluminium (Al). The research objective was to analyze the effectiveness of water quality changes using Eichorniasp and Thypaangustifolia plants with organic substrates, and to analyze the results of water quality management based on wastewater quality standards. The results showed that the treatment using water from pit lake + material pit lake + clumps of Thypaangustifolia + organic substrate was declared effective in increasing pH and reducing TSS and dissolved metals at 15 days of treatment, indicated by a pH value of 6.7-7.04, a TSS value of 1,710 mg/l to 108 mg/l, and decreased grade Al from 233.0975 mg/l to 190.77 mg/l. The quality standard for Al dissolved metal management has not reached the waste water quality standard, while the results of pH and TSS management are in accordance with the quality standards stipulated with the provisions concerning the wastewater quality standard.


Post-mining, passive remediation, water quality.

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