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Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


In this 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI) has largely influenced the legal sectors. AI technology has helped various persons of legal field, such as lawyers, judges, law makers, etc. to store large number of confidential files safely. On the other hand, it saves time, ensures efficiency, ensures accuracy, helps to review documents, conducts legal research, etc. These days AI has also become an important subject matter for the government sectors including legislature itself. The laws are published in websites of various government institutions and made accessible to the people across the globe. Similarly, these days, law firms around the world also have been using AI to facilitate counseling to their clients, to review the documents, and even to make application in the court. The importance of AI in the field of law seems to be increasing day by day, for instance, establishment of National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP) in many countries. Thus, AI has been playing the important role in legal field. Despite that it may result in greater harm to the mass people due to different reasons, such as hacking, data loss, etc. Consequently, AI needs to be used very consciously in the field of law to enjoy its beneficial part. The authors in this paper have explored the merits and demerits of AI and suggest for reducing the negative aspects of AI including its implications in Nepal. In order to produce a realistic paper, the researcher has followed descriptive and analytical research method while preparing the paper.


artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, machine learning, technology, legal sector, documents, implications

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