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Qatar University, Doha, Qatar


Activities of Indians in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States continue to be a major area of attention by the government and citizens of the sub-region. The GCC States have had to contend with varied numbers of foreign nationals who continue to troop into their territories in search of economic opportunities. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is a federation of seven emirates, has over the years, been a major destination for foreigners. This article identifies various categories of Indian immigrants in the UAE, their areas of activities, and how they have impacted the vernacular of the citizens of the federal monarchical state. It begins by highlighting India-UAE relation prior to the independence of what is now the United Arab Emirates in 1971. Second, it describes the characterization of the relation between Indians and Emiratis after 1971. With some selected examples, the article reveals the impacts Hindi/Urdu languages have made on the vernacular of Emiratis.


Indians, vernacular, United Arab Emirates, locals, Impact, Hindi/Urdu

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