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Faculty of Technical Science, University of Vlora, Albania


Shipping accidents are unexpected events that result in financial loss and properties, damages and either loss of people. Several reasons as human errors, technical failures, natural conditions, shipping factors, route conditions and cargo related factors play role in these accidents. Unfortunately, shipping accidents are inevitable cases of maritime field, in contravention of creative and innovative technologies in shipping sector and execution of precautionary safety rules and regulations. Marine accidents adversely affect the human, the marine environment, properties and activities aboard ships and ashore in various forms and degree of extent. The effects of accidents vary from minor injuries to fatalities and from insignificant damage to very severe damage to the environment and property. The cost of accidents, including fatalities and injuries, damage to property and the environment, prevention and mitigating measures, and insurance accounts for a considerable share of transport costs. Main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of shipping accidents on marine environment in Albanian Seas. Within this scope firstly, the literature related shipping accidents and marine environment were handled. Then, the statistics of shipping accidents and marine environment in Albanian Seas were analyzed. Finally, future projections were provided in the light of presented matters and current developments.


Shipping accidents, marine environment, Albanian seas, shipping sector.

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