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College of Maritime Education, John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Molo, Philippines


This study aims to determine the awareness and opinions on Clean Air Act among marine engineering students at maritime university, specifically, John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Molo, Iloilo City, Philippines. The participants of this study were 30 marine engineering students of the maritime university, especially JBLFMU-Molo for school year 2014-2015. Participants of the study were enrolled at the College of Maritime Education, JBLFMU-Molo, Iloilo City, Philippines. The researchers employed quantitative research design. The respondents’ comments, suggestions, observations, and remarks on the perceived awareness and opinions on Clean Air Act were captured in this study. After gathering the qualitative information, the researchers classified and categorized the write-ups of the respondents into different categories. The results reveal that the participants of the present study were aware of the Clean Air Act as an entire group and when classified according to different categories. Most of the participants said that Clean Air Act protects the environment, followed by the participants who said that Clean Air Act can prevent air pollution. Next, in rank, the participants who said “it is good because you can go everywhere to inhale fresh air, followed by participants who said Clean Air Act can reduce the things that can harm the ozone layer, the last participants said that they never heard of Clean Air Act.


Clean Air Act, awareness, opinions, marine engineering students.

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