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St. Xavier’s College Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Empowerment is defined as a social action process that promotes participation of people, organizations, and communities in gaining control over their lives in their community and larger societies. Part of the problem stems from the unidentified interests of the women due to their under representation in the political institutions which marked their low level of mobilization and as well of their empowerment. It is generally said that mobilization of women depends on their identification of interests which may vary due to class structures of the society, but on the other hand, autonomous state apparatus had provided a space for the mobility to both privileged and under-privileged to get their targets. The issue of empowerment is being conceived in the perspective of gender related development which has been checked due to inequality in the socio-cultural patterns of the society and it inherited some of the cultural constraints before partition. This paper will analyze the steps of transformation of women from members of parliament to leaders of parliament in India and Bangladesh.


women empowerment, participation, mobilization, socio-cultural patterns

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