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Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou, China


Wine in the West and China, as the core of wine culture, has been playing an important role in people’s social life. This paper analyzes wine culture on the basis of the previous researches through wine poetry, which is the result of the convergence of wine culture and Romantic poetry. On one hand, it is known that “intoxication” is the essence of wine culture: People seek freedom and independent personality in a drunk state. On the other hand, subjectivity, individuality, and self-awareness, as the features of Romanticism, share some ideological similarities with the essence of wine culture. What’s more, wine poetry, as a special category of romantic poetry, is found to present these features to a great degree. With the similarities and features mentioned above as the foundation of further study, this paper intends to make a comparative study of the wine culture in China and the West by analyzing wine poetry. Finally, the author further demonstrates the previous researchers’ conclusion of Chinese “Winebibber Spirit” and the Western “Dionysian Spirit.” Meanwhile, this paper discusses the deeper reasons for the differences, and suggests that further understanding of wine culture in China and the West can promote intercultural communication.


 wine poetry, Romantic, Winebibber Spirit, Dionysian Spirit

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