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Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan


This study investigates the influence of translation from English on the Arabic language. Specifically, it attempts to study how the translation of English auxiliary verbs influences the syntactic structure of the Arabic sentence and how the English predicating structure affects that of Arabic. This study is qualitative in nature. The data of this study were based on the language of electronic journalism in Jordan as a model. A sample from two popular news agencies in the Jordanian electronic media was chosen. The study reveals that the translation of English auxiliary verbs has influenced the syntactic structure of the Arabic sentence. Particularly, the study indicates that the influence of the English auxiliary verb on Arabic caused the passive form to die out from the actual use of the Arabic language. The study also reveals a change in the predicating structure of the Arabic sentence. Moreover, the study shows a change in the deictic indication of some of the demonstratives used in Arabic sentence structures.


translation, English, auxiliary verbs, Arabic sentence, electronic media

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