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1. Changsha Jiageer Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Pingtang Town, Changsha City, Hunan 410208, China
2. Beijing Didi Infinite Technology Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 100086, China


Universe life includes the universe realm, the life realm, human society and man-made materials. Each life has four grades. There are four different “me” in each life: true me, Yang me, Yin me and conscious me. True me never dies while Yang me, Yin me and conscious me all appear and go. The heart of life is also a system consisting of four grades (true heart + Yang me heart + Yin me heart + conscious heart). Life is a four-seasonal whole dominated by heart. True me is true while Yang me, Yin me and conscious me are false. The general law of the universe is an operating body of general rules. Both the operating body of general rules and the life body are combination of the true and the false. The operating body of general rules is a body with two aspects and the combination and an autonomous operation of movement with stillness, gathering with parting and rising with falling. The operating body of general rules dominated by true me is the universe body. The essential features of the universe body include: 1) it is empty; 2) it is absolutely quiet; 3) it exists forever; 4) it contains seeds for everything; 5) it generates everything in the universe; 6) it is solid and will never break; 7) its power is King Kong power. The zero-state of the galaxy is its basic state and the giant blank zone of the universe. The galaxy’s turning from zero-state into one-state is getting something from nothing. The operating of general rule is presented as the four-seasonal movement or metabolism of life. It is a continuity of movement and stillness (life and death) and a process of something interacting with nothing. The modes of reproduction of life consist of self-generation, generation by augmentation and generation by transformation. The Milky Way Galaxy, the solar system and the earth are inorganic life with reproductive system and reproductive capacity. In the positive-going evolution, their inner morality power gradually decreases and undergoes different states and structures. Internal intercourse generates different lives. In the early days of the earth, the temperature was high and inorganic lives first appeared: humans, animals, plants and bacteria. When the temperature dropped to a proper degree, organic lives then appeared: bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Now, new lives are still appearing on the earth.


Life universe, true me, false me, universe body, something from nothing, something interacting with nothing.

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