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Kyambogo University, Kyambogo, Uganda


This paper analyses how an exhibition of student’s work during graduation ceremonies influences the perceptions of parents, lecturers, future employers, visitors, and graduands resulting into opportunities for graduates to be employed, and increasing visibility of the university. The objectives of the paper are: to find out how parents perceive the creativity and innovation of their children through the exhibited works, how the exhibition influences the would-be employers to select future employees, and to find out if the exhibition raises the visibility of the university in the public arena. Using a qualitative approach, the study purposively interviewed 15 participants that included five students, three parents, two would-be employers, two administrators, and three lecturers. The findings indicate that showcasing student’s creativity and innovation triggers positive reactions among stakeholders, increases the confidence of the learner, increases the support of parents towards their children, influences the perceptions of the world of work about the fresh graduates, and promotes the values of the university.


exhibition, creativity, innovation, graduates

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