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Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dongfang College, Haining, Zhejiang, 314408, China


In The Cherry Orchard, there are mainly three kinds of time views. The upper class in the play, such as Lyubov has a nostalgia time view. In the second place, the character such as Firs, a nobody, a servant in the play, trapped in the present. Besides, the rising class such as Lopakhin, Dunyasha and, Varya, keeping a watchful eye on the time flow. Chekhov sets various metaphors in the play. Many papers discuss either the upper class’s view on the time or the rising class’s while there is little attention on the nobodies. The nobody’s senselessness of the time flow leads to the unobserved living conditions and sad ending. This essay focuses on a nobody, Firs’s sense of time in The Cherry Orchard, trying to show how a man would disappear in time with no name when he gives up his “self”.


time, a nobody, The Cherry Orchard

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Bakhtin, M. M., & Holquist, M. (2008). The dialogic imagination: Four essays. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bakhtin, M. M., McGee, V., Holquist, M., & Emerson, C. (1986). Speech genres & other late essays. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Chekhov, A. P., et. al. (2015). The Cherry Orchard. New York: Theatre Communications Group.

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