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National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, R.O.C., Taiwan


This paper focused on Japan who was as a new colonial government in Taiwan under Japanese rule, during the period of which took official buildings or urban planning mainly of a series of Western European-style architecture as a ruler’s cultural identity and a modern Taiwan policy. However, in the context of East Asian modernity, the basic colonial not only mixed Eurocentric, but also included Japan Center and the interaction between the two. Therefore, the scope of research and discussion shall have regarded to the non-Western, non-white nature of the Japanese Empire, and its colonial/modernity construction is another new model. Taiwan Governor-General’s Residence as the Governor-General’s residence for Japanese government combined administrative office, daily living, and social life, showing a symbol of Japan’s colonial ruling class, and a hostel to greet Japanese royal family and the nobility from time to time. As a mansion of both Western Baroque and Japanese style, its architectural design has class meaning, therefore it featured with a class-separation building, also combined the leisure of Western high society. The associated festivals at that time included tea party, fairs and royal family welcoming pilgrimage, the part of which with a strong political implication. This paper mainly uses the images of the Taiwan Governor-General’s Residence during the Japanese rule period and the literature at that time to restore the mixed taste and Japanese-Western style of Taiwan at that time. The Japanese colonists ruled the complex interactions of different ethnic groups in Taiwan.


colonial, Taiwan Governor-General’s Residence, Japanese-Western style, image

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