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Saint Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA


This study examined the smartphone and social media usage among Generation Z. A survey was completed by a non-random sample of 415 students at State University of New York in Oneonta during the academic year 2017-2018. The results revealed that almost all Gen Zers (99%) own a smartphone, and 98% of them use their smartphones to connect to the Internet most of the time. More than half of Gen Zers spend nine hours or more in a typical day using their smartphones, and nearly half of them spend 3-8 hours per day on their smartphones. With regard to the use of social media, more than half of Gen Zers accessed various social media several times a day, while nearly 1 in 5 admitted accessing social media every hour of the day. As for the amount of time devoted to social media, nearly one-third of the students admitted using social media for 7-10 hours per day, and slightly less than one-third of the students spent 5-6 hours per day on social media. With regard to Generation Z’s perception of their addiction to smartphone and social media, 4 in 5 students admitted that they were spending an excessive amount of time on the Internet, and two-thirds believed that they were spending too much time on social media. Furthermore, 7 in 10 students admitted that they were addicted to the Internet, and nearly two-thirds believed they were addicted to social media. These findings may have significant implications for counseling and intervention for parents, educators, and policy makers.


social media addiction, smartphone addiction, Internet addiction

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