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Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Sejong-si, South Korea


The hyper-connected network society is a society environment in which all people-people, people-objects, things-things can be connected quickly and intelligently. In this environment of the hyper-connected network society, anyone can easily get the information they want, and the information and the knowledge will be a source of wealth. However, in the environment of a hyper-connected network society, the advanced information technology can harm human dignity or life if the information communication technology is used unfavorably (distortion, manipulation) by crime technique to satisfy the personal greed or pay back the grudge. Therefore, in this study, it established the direction of related occupational ethics in preparation for the hyper-connected network society in order to enable ethical values to be applied to experts and stakeholders in each field. And it made some suggestions necessary for the establishment of relevant policies at the national/social level. As a result of this study, it was found to be necessary: (1) personal information and privacy protection, (2) fair and autonomous ethical consciousness, (3) technology development for public interest, (4) enactment of ethical code for each field, (5) interests and strategic contrasts for occupational ethics of national dimension, (6) social learning (home-school-work) of occupation ethics, (7) changes for basic principles and virtue of work ethics in the hyper-connected social environment.


hyper-connected network society, occupational ethics, job structure, job description

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