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Faculty of Mechanical and Medical Engineering, (Furtwangen University), 1st Transfer Center of Scalar Wave Technology, Erikaweg 32, D-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany


Longitudinal waves propagating in the direction of the magnetic field represents a special class according to the wave equation. They seem to be ubiquitous in nature, as can be shown by numerous natural phenomena. It is therefore possible that biological systems may use these waves as a medium or as a carrier wave for signal transfer. As longitudinal waves can also be generated technically, an experimental set up has been established in order to show that the wave is able to transfer biological signals effectively apart from any chemical contact. The schematic diagram of the transmitter is explained, the special properties of the magnetic wave, working at 6.78 MHz, as well as the biological antennas, acting as a receiver, are in the focus of the first part of the presentation. It will be referred, how a medical doctor in Spain is using the system for anticancer treatment i.e., to encourage discussions on medical purposes.


signal transmission, information transfer, wave equation, magnetic wave, carrier wave.

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