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1. Department of General Physiology of Nervous System, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 401601, Ukraine
2. International Medical Innovation Center Zepter, Kyiv 02152, Ukraine
3. “VIRIA”, Kyiv Scientific and Technical Center, Kyiv 03118,Ukraine


Introduction: A new way of converting light radiation is based on the assumption that it is possible for fullerene C60 molecules to influence it. Physical calculations indicate that in this case there are prerequisites for changing the configuration of the quantum-wave structure of the light flux (hyperharmonization). Our previous studies revealed a possibility of obtaining biological responses to the light reorganized by fullerene. We investigated the effect of application of hyperharmonized light through the organ of vision on the neural structures of the brain associated with it. Transformation of the light was created by using glasses with fullerene filters (THE®-glasses). The purpose of this work was to establish whether the light that passed through the fullerene-containing filters installed in glasses affects mental performance of a person; in particular, the speed and quality of performing visual-motor tasks similar to those performed by a person using a computer. Methods: We selected eighteen clinically healthy volunteer participants of both sexes aged from 10 to 78 years with computer skills. In the study we used specially made glasses, the filters of which contained 0.33‰ of fullerene in polymethylmethacrylate (Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear®; THE®-glasses), as well as glasses with darkened filters and a frame of similar design (placebo). The spectrum of light that came into the eyes of the participant was natural (intact light, control) or with a weakened blue spectrum, the wave range of which started from ~420 nm (fullerene light, placebo light). The participants’ mental performance was assessed according to the results of specially designed tests: black-white and color tests of digital sorting and the correction test (simple and of increased complexity). Testing was conducted in 3 series: without glasses in natural light (intact light), in glasses with fullerene-containing filters (fullerene light) and in glasses of similar light transmission, but without fullerene (placebo light). The quality control of tests and the calculation of psycho-physiological indicators were performed automatically using the processing program built into the test. The obtained data were processed statistically. Results: It was established that under the action of light passing through filters containing fullerene installed in the glasses, the execution time of the visual-motor task was reduced by 16.5% (for the black-white digital sorting test), and the number of errors by 2.7 times (in color digital sorting test) compared to testing with intact lighting. Apparently, the fullerene light positively influenced the speed of information processing and attentiveness. A simple correction test with presentation of 2,000 characters showed that when being in THE®-glasses (fullerene light), the fatigue significantly decreased compared to testing with intact light or placebo light. The concentration ratio in fatigue conditions (end of testing) decreased by 16.2% (fullerene light), by 28.5% (placebo light) and by 23.6% (intact light). The speed of information processing and the percentage of concentration in THE®-glasses were higher, and the latent period of the reaction was shorter than with intact or placebo lighting. All this indicates that the light passing through the fullerene filters of THE®-glasses increases the efficiency of information processing. Conclusion: It has been established that the effect of light passing through a fullerene filter on the visual analyzer and the structures of the central nervous system has a positive effect on the mental performance of a person.


Hyperharmonized light, Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear®, THE®-glasses, fullerene, fullerene-converted light, human mental performance, digital sorting tests (black-white, color), correction tests.

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